Coaching Helps Your Business Get to the Top

Maximize your business development initiatives

Maximize Your Business Development Initiatives

How would your firm survive if your largest client experienced business issues of their own and could no longer pay their bills? If they moved, closed, or changed top management and took their business elsewhere? Maximize your business development initiatives to stay stable regardless of economic conditions. Business development within professional services firms is becoming critical for continued growth as competition for professionals with the proven ability to satisfy clients and bring in new business continues to escalate. Without planning for business development, you leave your firm exposed to unnecessary risk, which can quickly ruin all that you’ve worked to build.

  • Is your firm attracting new clients and cross-selling to your satisfaction?
  • Are you satisfied with your firm’s current growth and profitability?
  • Does your firm invest in business development training and coaching?

If you have answered “NO” to any of these questions, Corporate Ladders can help you to maximize your business development initiatives while still maintaining the ongoing successful operation of your firm. Corporate Ladders has developed a Four-Step Business Development Solution targeted to the unique needs of professional services firms to meet their growing business development requirements.  Corporate Ladders proven solutions include:

Step One: Research and Situation Analysis

Thoroughly review and evaluate your existing business development processes and marketing support initiatives while considering the increased competition facing professional firms and the need to have everyone engaged in business development activities.

Step Two: Program Development

All Corporate Ladders programs are anchored on a foundation of trust with clients and are customized with program specifics to meet the needs of both the individual and the firm.   Our programs introduce a “sales” culture into the firm by providing professionals with the skills and processes it takes to do more than just service clients.  

Step Three: Program Implementation

Our team works with you to develop the best methods for delivering program components. Whether for groups or individuals, we customize our delivery methods and scheduling and take care of all the details.  We also build in benchmarks and measurements to assess progress towards desired outcomes.

Step Four: Business Development Coaching

What sets Corporate Ladders apart from others is our ongoing support to ensure success. We go beyond plans and recommendations – we stay with you and provide one-on-one coaching to guide you through the process to help meet your goals and objectives.

Maximize Your Business Development Initiatives

When your ready to balance and maximize your business development initiatives schedule your free business asssessment call. We will guide you through the process of creating a stable, long term business develpment plan.

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