Coaching Helps Your Business Get to the Top

Business Development Training & Coaching for Insurance Professionals

Corporate Ladders provides insurance professionals the tools and skills necessary to build their book and increase revenues. As professionals selling in a mature business segment like insurance, the old axiom “the good news is everybody needs insurance, bad news is they probably already have someone providing it” holds true. Much of today’s business growth comes from finding new clients that are unhappy with their current providers and offering them better products and services. At the same time, retaining and protecting your existing clients is a significant challenge too. Corporate Ladders’ proven combination of Business Development Training and Professional Coaching provides insurance professionals the tools necessary to find, develop, and close new clients while keeping your base safe and secure. Our approach helps move producers away from the “price/premium” transactional style offering and more toward a value-based business discussion with the client.

Insurance Company Business Development

Corporate Ladders begins the process by researching, reviewing, and evaluating the current business development activities in place at your company. We then customize our program materials to match typical examples, commonly occurring situations, and the culture of your firm, while reinforcing both the “trusted advisor” and the “business developer” roles that insurance professionals need to master.

Professional Coaching for Insurance Professionals

Newly acquired skills always require practice, and business development is no exception. Good results come from skill adoption, practicing, outside support, and the individual effort each professional puts into it. Each Corporate Ladders’ program includes individual coaching sessions, which support the professional after the workshop training is completed. In these sessions, the coach works with each person one-on-one to implement their personal plans and objectives.

These sessions focus on the following:

  • Finding and making time available for business development.
  • Learning to embrace and excel in marketing and business development activities.
  • Why business development is critical to career development within insurance companies.
  • Developing a systematic approach to business development and selling.
  • Making the most of networking events both large and small.
  • Ways to bridge personal and social contacts into business-related conversations.

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